来源:亚欧能源网 发布时间:2016-08-05 09:57:38
中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯8月3日消息,戴文能源公司将2016年油气产量预期上调3%,或日产量增加1.8万桶油当量。戴文能源称,预计中的产量增加部分将来自西得州一处名为米德兰盆地的非核心产区。这家总部位于俄克拉荷马城的能源公司6月份宣布将以8.58亿美元出售该地区很大一部分非核心资产。戴文能源称,公司目前认为之前保留的非核心产区2016年下半年的产量将达到约1.5万桶油当量/天。
Devon Raises Production View
Devon Energy (DVN) is raising expectations for its 2016 oil-and-gas output by 3%, or 18K barrels of oil equivalent a day. The bump in anticipated production, DVN said, will come in part from "non-core" acreage in an area of West Texas called the Midland Basin. The Oklahoma City-based energy producer announced in June it was selling off a chunk of noncore assets in that region in for $858M. DVN says it now believes the previously noncore acreage it kept will produce about 15K barrels of oil equivalent a day in 2H16.
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