来源:中国石化新闻网 发布时间:2014-04-16 08:30:46
中国石化新闻网讯 据海外媒体4月12日休斯敦报道,美国雪佛龙公司10日证实,其麾下子公司日前与阿根廷石油公司YPF签署了一项旨在继续开发位于阿根廷内乌肯省的瓦卡姆尔塔地层页岩油和页岩气资源的协议。
协议提议继续投资面积达388平方公里的Loma Campana租借区的大规模钻井和生产活动。
协议还提议勘探位于Loma Campana租借区以北70英里的Narambuena地区的页岩油和页岩气资源。
李峻 编译
Chevron, YPF to continue development of Vaca Muerta shale in Argentina
April 12, 2014
Chevron Corporation confirmed on April 10 that subsidiaries of the company have signed agreements with the Argentine oil company YPF S.A. to continue development of shale oil and gas resources from the Vaca Muerta formation located in the Neuquén province in Argentina.
“This is a significant step in our subsidiaries’ joint efforts with YPF to develop one of the most exciting shale plays in the world today,” said George Kirkland, vice chairman of Chevron Corporation. “Vaca Muerta could become an important contributor to Chevron’s long term production growth.”
The agreements call for continued investment toward large-scale drilling and production in the 96,000-acre (388-sq. km) Loma Campana concession. The agreements also call for exploration of shale oil and gas resources in the 49,400-acre (200-sq. km) Narambuena area located about 70 miles (100 kilometers) north of Loma Campana.
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