来源:中国石化新闻网 发布时间:2014-04-16 08:28:32
中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯奥斯陆4月10日消息,VNG挪威公司周四表示,公司已经在挪威海Pil远景区发现5000万桶至1.7亿桶石油当量的油气资源,远高于公司先前的预计值。
VNG挪威公司首席执行长Atle Sonesen表示:“这个勘探井的初步结果振奋人心,足以令人重新审视该区域的潜力。”
DJ VNG Finds More Oil than Expected in Norwegian Sea
By Kjetil Malkenes Hovland
OSLO--VNG Norway said Thursday it had found between 50 million and 170 million barrels of oil equivalent in the Pil prospect in the Norwegian Sea, much more than the company had expected.
"The preliminary results from this well are very encouraging, and makes you view the area with fresh eyes," said Chief Executive Atle Sonesen.
After four decades of exploitation in the North Sea, oil companies are now looking further north to the less-explored Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea basins.
The well, drilled 33 kilometers southwest of the Njord field to a depth of 3,738 meters and at a water depth of 324 meters, was the first in drilling license 586 that was awarded in 2010. The discovery consisted mostly of crude oil, and also held some natural gas.
License 586 is operated by VNG Norway, with a 30% stake. Spike Exploration owns 30%, Faroe Petroleum Norway 25% and Rocksource Exploration Norway 15%.
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